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Properties for defining a NetworkAcls.



import { datasource } from '@alicloud/ros-cdk-vpc'
const networkAclsProps: datasource.NetworkAclsProps = { ... }


Name Type Description
networkAclId string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property networkAclId: The ID of the network ACL.
networkAclName string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property networkAclName: The name of the network ACL.
refreshOptions string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property refreshOptions: The refresh strategy for the datasource resource when the stack is updated.
resourceId string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property resourceId: The ID of the associated instance.This parameter is valid only if ResourceType and ResourceId are both set.
resourceType string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property resourceType: The type of the associated instance.
vpcId string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property vpcId: The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) to which the network ACL belongs.


public readonly networkAclId: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property networkAclId: The ID of the network ACL.


public readonly networkAclName: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property networkAclName: The name of the network ACL.

The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The name must start with a letter but cannot start with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/.


public readonly refreshOptions: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property refreshOptions: The refresh strategy for the datasource resource when the stack is updated.

Valid values: - Never: Never refresh the datasource resource when the stack is updated. - Always: Always refresh the datasource resource when the stack is updated. Default is Never.


public readonly resourceId: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property resourceId: The ID of the associated instance.This parameter is valid only if ResourceType and ResourceId are both set.


public readonly resourceType: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property resourceType: The type of the associated instance.

Set the value to VSwitch. This parameter is valid only if ResourceType and ResourceId are both set.


public readonly vpcId: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property vpcId: The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) to which the network ACL belongs.