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Properties for defining a Applications.



import { datasource } from '@alicloud/ros-cdk-sae'
const applicationsProps: datasource.ApplicationsProps = { ... }


Name Type Description
appName string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property appName: The name of application.
fieldType string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property fieldType: Set the dimension of the filter application.
fieldValue string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property fieldValue: Enter the application name, application ID, SLB IP address, or instance IP address of the target application.
namespaceId string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property namespaceId: The ID of namespace.
refreshOptions string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property refreshOptions: The refresh strategy for the datasource resource when the stack is updated.


public readonly appName: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property appName: The name of application.


public readonly fieldType: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property fieldType: Set the dimension of the filter application.

Valid values: appName: The application name. appIds: App IDs. slbIps: SLB IP address. instanceIps: Instance IP address.


public readonly fieldValue: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property fieldValue: Enter the application name, application ID, SLB IP address, or instance IP address of the target application.


public readonly namespaceId: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property namespaceId: The ID of namespace.


public readonly refreshOptions: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property refreshOptions: The refresh strategy for the datasource resource when the stack is updated.

Valid values: - Never: Never refresh the datasource resource when the stack is updated. - Always: Always refresh the datasource resource when the stack is updated. Default is Never.