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Properties for defining a Assert.



import { AssertProps } from '@alicloud/ros-cdk-ros'
const assertProps: AssertProps = { ... }


Name Type Description
values any[] | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property values: A list of values to assert.
abortCreation boolean | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property abortCreation: Whether to abort creation when the assert fails.
errorMessage string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property errorMessage: The error message to be returned when the assert fails.
operation string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property operation: The type of assertion to make.


public readonly values: any[] | IResolvable;
  • Type: any[] | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property values: A list of values to assert.

The items in the list are compared in order. The range of length is one to three. - Three values are supported only if the operation is Equal or NotEqual. - One value is supported only if the operation is Not.


public readonly abortCreation: boolean | IResolvable;
  • Type: boolean | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property abortCreation: Whether to abort creation when the assert fails.

Default is True.


public readonly errorMessage: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property errorMessage: The error message to be returned when the assert fails.


public readonly operation: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property operation: The type of assertion to make.

The supported operations are: Equal, NotEqual, Greater, GreaterOrEqual, Less, LessOrEqual, Contain, NotContain, And, Or, Not. Default is Equal.