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Properties for defining a ManagedPolicy.



import { ManagedPolicyProps } from '@alicloud/ros-cdk-ram'
const managedPolicyProps: ManagedPolicyProps = { ... }


Name Type Description
policyName string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property policyName: Specifies the authorization policy name, containing up to 128 characters.
description string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property description: Specifies the authorization policy description, containing up to 1024 characters.
groups any[] | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property groups: The names of groups to attach to this policy.
ignoreExisting boolean | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property ignoreExisting: Whether to ignore existing policy False: ROS will perform a uniqueness check.If a policy with the same name exists, an error will be reported when creating it. True: ROS will not check the uniqueness.If there is a policy with the same name, the policy creation process will be ignored. If the policy is not created by ROS, it will be ignored during update and delete stage.
policyDocument @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable | PolicyDocumentProperty Property policyDocument: A policy document that describes what actions are allowed on which resources.
policyDocumentUnchecked @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable | {[ key: string ]: any} Property policyDocumentUnchecked: A policy document that describes what actions are allowed on which resources.
roles any[] | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property roles: The names of roles to attach to this policy.
users any[] | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property users: The names of users to attach to this policy.


public readonly policyName: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property policyName: Specifies the authorization policy name, containing up to 128 characters.


public readonly description: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property description: Specifies the authorization policy description, containing up to 1024 characters.


public readonly groups: any[] | IResolvable;
  • Type: any[] | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property groups: The names of groups to attach to this policy.


public readonly ignoreExisting: boolean | IResolvable;
  • Type: boolean | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property ignoreExisting: Whether to ignore existing policy False: ROS will perform a uniqueness check.If a policy with the same name exists, an error will be reported when creating it. True: ROS will not check the uniqueness.If there is a policy with the same name, the policy creation process will be ignored. If the policy is not created by ROS, it will be ignored during update and delete stage.


public readonly policyDocument: IResolvable | PolicyDocumentProperty;

Property policyDocument: A policy document that describes what actions are allowed on which resources.


public readonly policyDocumentUnchecked: IResolvable | {[ key: string ]: any};
  • Type: @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable | {[ key: string ]: any}

Property policyDocumentUnchecked: A policy document that describes what actions are allowed on which resources.

If it is specified, PolicyDocument will be ignored.


public readonly roles: any[] | IResolvable;
  • Type: any[] | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property roles: The names of roles to attach to this policy.


public readonly users: any[] | IResolvable;
  • Type: any[] | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property users: The names of users to attach to this policy.