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Properties for defining a VSwitch.



import { VSwitchProps } from '@alicloud/ros-cdk-ens'
const vSwitchProps: VSwitchProps = { ... }


Name Type Description
cidrBlock string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property cidrBlock: The CIDR block of the vSwitch.
ensRegionId string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property ensRegionId: The ID of the edge node.
networkId string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property networkId: The ID of the network to which the vSwitch that you want to create belongs.
description string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property description: The description of the vSwitch.
vSwitchName string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable Property vSwitchName: The name of the vSwitch.


public readonly cidrBlock: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property cidrBlock: The CIDR block of the vSwitch.

Take note of the following limits: The subnet mask must be 16 to 29 bits in length. The CIDR block of the vSwitch must fall within the CIDR block of the VPC to which the vSwitch belongs. The CIDR block of the vSwitch cannot be the same as the destination CIDR block in a route entry of the VPC. However, it can be a subset of the destination CIDR block.


public readonly ensRegionId: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property ensRegionId: The ID of the edge node.


public readonly networkId: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property networkId: The ID of the network to which the vSwitch that you want to create belongs.


public readonly description: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property description: The description of the vSwitch.

The description must be 2 to 256 characters in length. It must start with a letter but cannot start with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/.


public readonly vSwitchName: string | IResolvable;
  • Type: string | @alicloud/ros-cdk-core.IResolvable

Property vSwitchName: The name of the vSwitch.

The name must meet the following requirements: The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length. The name must start with a letter and cannot start with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/. It can contain letters, digits, colons (:), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). Default value: null.