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The location of the published docker image.

This is where the image can be consumed at runtime.


import { DockerImageAssetLocation } from '@alicloud/ros-cdk-core'
const dockerImageAssetLocation: DockerImageAssetLocation = { ... }


Name Type Description
imageUri string The URI of the image in Aliyun ACR (including a tag).
repositoryName string The name of the ACR repository.
imageTag string The tag of the image in Aliyun ACR.


public readonly imageUri: string;
  • Type: string

The URI of the image in Aliyun ACR (including a tag).


public readonly repositoryName: string;
  • Type: string

The name of the ACR repository.


public readonly imageTag: string;
  • Type: string
  • Default: the hash of the asset, or the dockerTagPrefix concatenated with the asset hash if a dockerTagPrefix is specified in the stack synthesizer

The tag of the image in Aliyun ACR.