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Represents a special or lazily-evaluated value.

Can be used to delay evaluation of a certain value in case, for example, that it requires some context or late-bound data. Can also be used to mark values that need special processing at document rendering time.

Tokens can be embedded into strings while retaining their original semantics.

Static Functions

Name Description
asAny Return a resolvable representation of the given value.
asList Return a reversible list representation of this token.
asNumber Return a reversible number representation of this token.
asString Return a reversible string representation of this token.
isUnresolved Returns true if obj represents an unresolved value.


import { Token } from '@alicloud/ros-cdk-core'
Token.asAny(value: any)

Return a resolvable representation of the given value.


  • Type: any


import { Token } from '@alicloud/ros-cdk-core'
Token.asList(value: any, options?: EncodingOptions)

Return a reversible list representation of this token.


  • Type: any



import { Token } from '@alicloud/ros-cdk-core'
Token.asNumber(value: any)

Return a reversible number representation of this token.


  • Type: any


import { Token } from '@alicloud/ros-cdk-core'
Token.asString(value: any, options?: EncodingOptions)

Return a reversible string representation of this token.

If the Token is initialized with a literal, the stringified value of the literal is returned. Otherwise, a special quoted string representation of the Token is returned that can be embedded into other strings.

Strings with quoted Tokens in them can be restored back into complex values with the Tokens restored by calling resolve() on the string.


  • Type: any



import { Token } from '@alicloud/ros-cdk-core'
Token.isUnresolved(obj: any)

Returns true if obj represents an unresolved value.

One of these must be true:

  • obj is an IResolvable
  • obj is a string containing at least one encoded IResolvable
  • obj is either an encoded number or list

This does NOT recurse into lists or objects to see if they containing resolvables.


  • Type: any

The object to test.