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This class encapsulates and extends the ROS resource type ALIYUN::VPC::VpnGateway, which is used to create a VPN gateway.


import ros_cdk_vpc
  scope: Construct,
  id: str,
  bandwidth: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable],
  vpc_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable],
  auto_pay: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] = None,
  description: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  disaster_recovery_v_switch_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  enable_ipsec: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] = None,
  enable_ssl: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] = None,
  instance_charge_type: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  name: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  network_type: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  period: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable] = None,
  ssl_connections: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable] = None,
  tags: typing.List[TagsProperty] = None,
  vpn_type: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  v_switch_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  enable_resource_property_constraint: bool = None
Name Type Description
scope ros_cdk_core.Construct No description.
id str No description.
bandwidth typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property bandwidth: The public network bandwidth of the VPN gateway, in Mbps.
vpc_id typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property vpcId: VPC ID to which the VPN gateway belongs.
auto_pay typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property autoPay: Whether to automatically pay the bill of the VPN gateway, the value: true: Automatically pays the bill for the VPN gateway.
description typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property description: Description of the VPN gateway.
disaster_recovery_v_switch_id typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property disasterRecoveryVSwitchId: The second vSwitch with which you want to associate the VPN gateway.
enable_ipsec typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property enableIpsec: Whether to enable IPsec-VPN.
enable_ssl typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property enableSsl: Enable the SSL-VPN function.
instance_charge_type typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property instanceChargeType: Accounting type of the VPN gateway, the value is: PREPAY, POSTPAY.
name typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property name: Name of the VPN gateway.
network_type typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property networkType: The network type of the VPN gateway.
period typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property period: Purchase time, value: 1~9|12|24|36.
ssl_connections typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property sslConnections: The maximum number of clients allowed to connect at the same time.
tags typing.List[TagsProperty] Property tags: Tags to attach to instance.
vpn_type typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property vpnType: VPN gateway type.
v_switch_id typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property vSwitchId: The ID of the VSwitch to which the VPN gateway belongs.
enable_resource_property_constraint bool No description.


  • Type: ros_cdk_core.Construct


  • Type: str


  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property bandwidth: The public network bandwidth of the VPN gateway, in Mbps.

Value: 5|10|20|50|100|200.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property vpcId: VPC ID to which the VPN gateway belongs.


  • Type: typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property autoPay: Whether to automatically pay the bill of the VPN gateway, the value: true: Automatically pays the bill for the VPN gateway.

false: Does not automatically pay the bill for the VPN gateway. Default true.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property description: Description of the VPN gateway.

The length is 2-256 characters and must start with a letter or Chinese, but cannot start with http:// or https://.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property disasterRecoveryVSwitchId: The second vSwitch with which you want to associate the VPN gateway.

If you call this operation in a region that supports the dual-tunnel mode, this parameter is required. You need to specify two vSwitches in different zones from the VPC associated with the VPN gateway to implement disaster recovery across zones. For a region that supports only one zone, disaster recovery across zones is not supported. We recommend that you specify two vSwitches in the zone to implement high availability. You can specify the same vSwitch. For more information about the regions and zones that support the dual-tunnel mode, see Upgrade a VPN gateway to enable the dual-tunnel mode.


  • Type: typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property enableIpsec: Whether to enable IPsec-VPN.

The IPsec-VPN feature provides a site-to-site connection. You can securely connect your local data center network to a private network or two proprietary networks by creating an IPsec tunnel. Value: True (default): Enables the IPsec-VPN feature. False: The IPsec-VPN function is not enabled.


  • Type: typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property enableSsl: Enable the SSL-VPN function.

Provide point-to-site VPN connection, no need to configure customer gateway, terminal directly access. Value: True: Enable SSL-VPN. False (default): Does not enable SSL-VPN.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property instanceChargeType: Accounting type of the VPN gateway, the value is: PREPAY, POSTPAY.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property name: Name of the VPN gateway.

The default value is the ID of the VPN gateway. The length is 2~100 English or Chinese characters. It must start with a large or small letter or Chinese. It can contain numbers, underscores (_) and dashes (-). It cannot start with http:// or https://.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property networkType: The network type of the VPN gateway.

Valid values: public|private


  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property period: Purchase time, value: 1~9|12|24|36.

When the value of the InstanceChargeType parameter is PREPAY, this parameter is mandatory.


  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property sslConnections: The maximum number of clients allowed to connect at the same time.


Property tags: Tags to attach to instance.

Max support 20 tags to add during create instance. Each tag with two properties Key and Value, and Key is required.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property vpnType: VPN gateway type.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property vSwitchId: The ID of the VSwitch to which the VPN gateway belongs.


  • Type: bool


Name Description
to_string Returns a string representation of this construct.
synthesize Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
add_condition No description.
add_count No description.
add_dependency No description.
add_resource_desc No description.
apply_removal_policy No description.
get_att No description.
set_metadata No description.


def to_string() -> str

Returns a string representation of this construct.


def synthesize(
  session: ISynthesisSession
) -> None

Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.

This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as Stack and Asset as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.


  • Type: ros_cdk_core.ISynthesisSession

The synthesis session.


def add_condition(
  condition: RosCondition
) -> None


  • Type: ros_cdk_core.RosCondition


def add_count(
  count: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable]
) -> None


  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]


def add_dependency(
  resource: Resource
) -> None


  • Type: ros_cdk_core.Resource


def add_resource_desc(
  desc: str
) -> None


  • Type: str


def apply_removal_policy(
  policy: RemovalPolicy
) -> None


  • Type: ros_cdk_core.RemovalPolicy


def get_att(
  name: str
) -> IResolvable


  • Type: str


def set_metadata(
  key: str,
  value: typing.Any
) -> None


  • Type: str


  • Type: typing.Any

Static Functions

Name Description
is_construct Return whether the given object is a Construct.


import ros_cdk_vpc
  x: typing.Any

Return whether the given object is a Construct.


  • Type: typing.Any


Name Type Description
node ros_cdk_core.ConstructNode The construct tree node associated with this construct.
ref str No description.
stack ros_cdk_core.Stack The stack in which this resource is defined.
resource ros_cdk_core.RosResource No description.
attr_disaster_recovery_internet_ip ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute DisasterRecoveryInternetIp: The second IP address assigned by the system to create an IPsec-VPN connection.This attribute is returned only when the VPN gateway supports the dual-tunnel mode.
attr_disaster_recovery_v_switch_id ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute DisasterRecoveryVSwitchId: The ID of the second vSwitch associated with the VPN gateway.This attribute is returned only when the VPN gateway supports the dual-tunnel mode.
attr_internet_ip ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute InternetIp: The public IP address of the VPN gateway.
attr_order_id ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute OrderId: The order ID.
attr_spec ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute Spec: The specification of the VPN gateway.
attr_ssl_max_connections ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute SslMaxConnections: The maximum number of concurrent SSL-VPN connections.
attr_ssl_vpn_internet_ip ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute SslVpnInternetIp: The IP address of the SSL-VPN connection.This attribute is returned only when the VPN gateway is a public VPN gateway and supports only the single-tunnel mode. In addition, the VPN gateway must have the SSL-VPN feature enabled.
attr_vpc_id ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute VpcId: The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) to which the VPN gateway belongs.
attr_vpn_gateway_id ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute VpnGatewayId: ID of the VPN gateway.
attr_vpn_type ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute VpnType: The type of the VPN gateway.
attr_v_switch_id ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute VSwitchId: The ID of the vSwitch to which the VPN gateway belongs.


node: ConstructNode
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.ConstructNode

The construct tree node associated with this construct.


ref: str
  • Type: str


stack: Stack
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.Stack

The stack in which this resource is defined.


resource: RosResource
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.RosResource


attr_disaster_recovery_internet_ip: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute DisasterRecoveryInternetIp: The second IP address assigned by the system to create an IPsec-VPN connection.This attribute is returned only when the VPN gateway supports the dual-tunnel mode.


attr_disaster_recovery_v_switch_id: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute DisasterRecoveryVSwitchId: The ID of the second vSwitch associated with the VPN gateway.This attribute is returned only when the VPN gateway supports the dual-tunnel mode.


attr_internet_ip: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute InternetIp: The public IP address of the VPN gateway.


attr_order_id: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute OrderId: The order ID.


attr_spec: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute Spec: The specification of the VPN gateway.


attr_ssl_max_connections: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute SslMaxConnections: The maximum number of concurrent SSL-VPN connections.


attr_ssl_vpn_internet_ip: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute SslVpnInternetIp: The IP address of the SSL-VPN connection.This attribute is returned only when the VPN gateway is a public VPN gateway and supports only the single-tunnel mode. In addition, the VPN gateway must have the SSL-VPN feature enabled.


attr_vpc_id: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute VpcId: The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) to which the VPN gateway belongs.


attr_vpn_gateway_id: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute VpnGatewayId: ID of the VPN gateway.


attr_vpn_type: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute VpnType: The type of the VPN gateway.


attr_v_switch_id: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute VSwitchId: The ID of the vSwitch to which the VPN gateway belongs.