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Properties for defining a Instances.



import ros_cdk_swas
  image_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable],
  period: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable],
  plan_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable],
  amount: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable] = None,
  auto_renew: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] = None,
  auto_renew_period: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable] = None,
  data_disk_size: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable] = None


Name Type Description
image_id typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property imageId: The image ID.
period typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property period: The subscription period of the servers.
plan_id typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property planId: The plan ID.
amount typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property amount: The number of simple application servers that you want to create.
auto_renew typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property autoRenew: Specifies whether to enable auto-renewal.
auto_renew_period typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property autoRenewPeriod: The auto-renewal period.
data_disk_size typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property dataDiskSize: The size of the data disk that is attached to the server.


image_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property imageId: The image ID.

You can call the ListImages operation to query the available images in the specified region.


period: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property period: The subscription period of the servers.

Unit: months. Valid values: 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36.


plan_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property planId: The plan ID.

You can call the ListPlans operation to query all plans provided by Simple Application Server in the specified region.


amount: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property amount: The number of simple application servers that you want to create.

Valid values: 1 to 20. Default value: 1.


auto_renew: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property autoRenew: Specifies whether to enable auto-renewal.

Valid values: true false Default value: false.


auto_renew_period: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property autoRenewPeriod: The auto-renewal period.

This parameter is required only when you set AutoRenew to true. Unit: months. Valid values: 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36.


data_disk_size: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property dataDiskSize: The size of the data disk that is attached to the server.

Unit: GB. Valid values: 0 to 16380. The value must be an integral multiple of 20. A value of 0 indicates that no data disk is attached. If the disk included in the specified plan is a standard SSD, the data disk must be 20 GB or larger in size. Default value: 0.