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Properties for defining a AutoEnableService.



import ros_cdk_ros
  service_name: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]


Name Type Description
service_name typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property serviceName: Which service to enable.


service_name: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property serviceName: Which service to enable.

Valid values: AHAS: Application High Availability Service ARMS: Realtime Monitoring Service ARMS/App: Application Monitoring: Basic Edition ARMS/Web: Front End Monitoring: Basic Edition ARMS/PrometheusMonitor: Prometheus Monitoring: Expert Edition ARMS/SyntheticPost: Cloud Dial Test: Expert Edition (pay as you go) ApiGateway: API Gateway BatchCompute: Batch Compute BrainIndustrial: Brain Industrial CloudStorageGateway: Cloud Storage Gateway CMS: Cloud Monitor Service CR: Container Registry CS: Container Service DataHub: Data Hub DataWorks: DataWorks DCDN: Dynamic Route for CDN EDAS: Enterprise Distributed Application Service EMAS: Enterprise Mobile Application Studio FC: Function Compute FNF: Serverless Workflow MaxCompute: MaxCompute NAS: Network Attached Storage MNS: Message Service (MNS) HBR: Hybrid Backup Recovery IMM: Intelligent Media Management IOT: IoT Platform KMS: Key Management Service NLP: Natural Language Processing OSS: Object Storage Service OTS: Table Store PrivateLink: Private Link PrivateZone: Private Zone RocketMQ: RocketMQ SAE: Serverless App Engine SLS: Log Service TrafficMirror: VPC Traffic Mirroring VS: Video Surveillance Xtrace: Tracing Anlaysis CDN: Content Delivery Network CDT: Cloud Data Transfer CDTCb: Cloud Data Transfer for Cross Border TransitRouter: Cen Transit Router PAI: Platform of Artificial Intelligence Config: Cloud Config TrustedService/ROS: Trusted Service for ROS CloudSSO: Cloud SSO ControlPolicy: Control Policy