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This class encapsulates and extends the ROS resource type ALIYUN::ElasticSearch::Instance.


import ros_cdk_elasticsearch
  scope: Construct,
  id: str,
  data_node: typing.Union[DataNodeProperty, IResolvable],
  password: typing.Union[str, IResolvable],
  version: typing.Union[str, IResolvable],
  v_switch_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable],
  description: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  enable_kibana_private: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] = None,
  enable_kibana_public: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] = None,
  enable_public: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] = None,
  instance_category: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  instance_charge_type: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  kibana_node: typing.Union[IResolvable, KibanaNodeProperty] = None,
  kibana_whitelist: typing.Union[typing.List[typing.Any], IResolvable] = None,
  master_node: typing.Union[IResolvable, MasterNodeProperty] = None,
  period: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable] = None,
  period_unit: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  private_whitelist: typing.Union[typing.List[typing.Any], IResolvable] = None,
  public_whitelist: typing.Union[typing.List[typing.Any], IResolvable] = None,
  resource_group_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  tags: typing.List[TagsProperty] = None,
  yml_config: typing.Union[IResolvable, YMLConfigProperty] = None,
  zone_count: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable] = None,
  zone_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  enable_resource_property_constraint: bool = None
Name Type Description
scope ros_cdk_core.Construct No description.
id str No description.
data_node typing.Union[DataNodeProperty, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property dataNode: The Elasticsearch cluster's data node setting.
password typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property password: The password of the instance.
version typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property version: Elasticsearch version.
v_switch_id typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property vSwitchId: The ID of VSwitch.
description typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property description: The description of instance.
enable_kibana_private typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property enableKibanaPrivate: Enables or disables intranet access to Kibana.
enable_kibana_public typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property enableKibanaPublic: Enables or disables Internet access to Kibana.
enable_public typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property enablePublic: Whether enable public access.
instance_category typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property instanceCategory: Version Type: - x-pack: Create a commercial instance or a kernel-enhanced instance without Indexing Service and OpenStore enabled.
instance_charge_type typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property instanceChargeType: Valid values are PrePaid, PostPaid, Default to PostPaid.
kibana_node typing.Union[ros_cdk_core.IResolvable, KibanaNodeProperty] Property kibanaNode: The dedicated kibana node setting.
kibana_whitelist typing.Union[typing.List[typing.Any], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property kibanaWhitelist: Set the Kibana's IP whitelist in internet network.
master_node typing.Union[ros_cdk_core.IResolvable, MasterNodeProperty] Property masterNode: The dedicated master node setting.
period typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property period: The duration that you will buy Elasticsearch instance.
period_unit typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property periodUnit: Unit of prepaid time period, it could be Month\/Year.
private_whitelist typing.Union[typing.List[typing.Any], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property privateWhitelist: Set the instance's IP whitelist in VPC network.
public_whitelist typing.Union[typing.List[typing.Any], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property publicWhitelist: Set the instance's IP whitelist in Internet.
resource_group_id typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property resourceGroupId: The ID of the resource group.
tags typing.List[TagsProperty] Property tags: Tags to attach to instance.
yml_config typing.Union[ros_cdk_core.IResolvable, YMLConfigProperty] Property ymlConfig: In the YML Configuration section of the Cluster Configuration page of your Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster, you can enable the Auto Indexing, Audit Log Indexing, or Watcher feature.
zone_count typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property zoneCount: undefined.
zone_id typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property zoneId: The zone id of elasticsearch.
enable_resource_property_constraint bool No description.


  • Type: ros_cdk_core.Construct


  • Type: str


Property dataNode: The Elasticsearch cluster's data node setting.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property password: The password of the instance.

The password can be 8 to 32 characters in length and must contain three of the following conditions: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters (!@#$%&*()_+-=).


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property version: Elasticsearch version.

Supported values: 5.5.3_with_X-Pack, 6.3_with_X-Pack, 6.7_with_X-Pack, 7.4_with_X-Pack, 6.8, 7.4, 7.7 and so on.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property vSwitchId: The ID of VSwitch.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property description: The description of instance.

It a string of 0 to 30 characters. It can contain numbers, letters, underscores, (_) and hyphens (-). It must start with a letter, a number or Chinese character.


  • Type: typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property enableKibanaPrivate: Enables or disables intranet access to Kibana.


  • Type: typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property enableKibanaPublic: Enables or disables Internet access to Kibana.


  • Type: typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property enablePublic: Whether enable public access.

If properties is true, will allocate public address.Default: false.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property instanceCategory: Version Type: - x-pack: Create a commercial instance or a kernel-enhanced instance without Indexing Service and OpenStore enabled.

  • IS: Creates a kernel-enhanced instance with Indexing Service or OpenStore enabled


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property instanceChargeType: Valid values are PrePaid, PostPaid, Default to PostPaid.


Property kibanaNode: The dedicated kibana node setting.


  • Type: typing.Union[typing.List[typing.Any], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property kibanaWhitelist: Set the Kibana's IP whitelist in internet network.


Property masterNode: The dedicated master node setting.

If specified, dedicated master node will be created.


  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property period: The duration that you will buy Elasticsearch instance.

It is valid when instance_charge_type is PrePaid. Unit is Month, it could be from 1 to 9 or 12, 24, 36, 48, 60. Unit is Year, it could be from 1 to 3. Default value is 1.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property periodUnit: Unit of prepaid time period, it could be Month\/Year.

Default value is Month.


  • Type: typing.Union[typing.List[typing.Any], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property privateWhitelist: Set the instance's IP whitelist in VPC network.


  • Type: typing.Union[typing.List[typing.Any], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property publicWhitelist: Set the instance's IP whitelist in Internet.

The AllocatePublicAddress should be true.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property resourceGroupId: The ID of the resource group.


Property tags: Tags to attach to instance.

Max support 20 tags to add during create instance. Each tag with two properties Key and Value, and Key is required.


Property ymlConfig: In the YML Configuration section of the Cluster Configuration page of your Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster, you can enable the Auto Indexing, Audit Log Indexing, or Watcher feature.


  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property zoneCount: undefined.


  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property zoneId: The zone id of elasticsearch.


  • Type: bool


Name Description
to_string Returns a string representation of this construct.
synthesize Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
add_condition No description.
add_count No description.
add_dependency No description.
add_resource_desc No description.
apply_removal_policy No description.
get_att No description.
set_metadata No description.


def to_string() -> str

Returns a string representation of this construct.


def synthesize(
  session: ISynthesisSession
) -> None

Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.

This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as Stack and Asset as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.


  • Type: ros_cdk_core.ISynthesisSession

The synthesis session.


def add_condition(
  condition: RosCondition
) -> None


  • Type: ros_cdk_core.RosCondition


def add_count(
  count: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable]
) -> None


  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]


def add_dependency(
  resource: Resource
) -> None


  • Type: ros_cdk_core.Resource


def add_resource_desc(
  desc: str
) -> None


  • Type: str


def apply_removal_policy(
  policy: RemovalPolicy
) -> None


  • Type: ros_cdk_core.RemovalPolicy


def get_att(
  name: str
) -> IResolvable


  • Type: str


def set_metadata(
  key: str,
  value: typing.Any
) -> None


  • Type: str


  • Type: typing.Any

Static Functions

Name Description
is_construct Return whether the given object is a Construct.


import ros_cdk_elasticsearch
  x: typing.Any

Return whether the given object is a Construct.


  • Type: typing.Any


Name Type Description
node ros_cdk_core.ConstructNode The construct tree node associated with this construct.
ref str No description.
stack ros_cdk_core.Stack The stack in which this resource is defined.
resource ros_cdk_core.RosResource No description.
attr_domain ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute Domain: Instance connection domain (only VPC network access supported).
attr_instance_charge_type ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute InstanceChargeType: Instance charge type.
attr_instance_id ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute InstanceId: The ID of the Elasticsearch instance.
attr_kibana_domain ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute KibanaDomain: Kibana console domain (Internet access supported).
attr_kibana_port ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute KibanaPort: Kibana console port.
attr_port ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute Port: Instance connection port.
attr_public_domain ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute PublicDomain: Instance public connection domain.
attr_status ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute Status: The Elasticsearch instance status.
attr_version ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute Version: Elasticsearch version.
attr_v_switch_id ros_cdk_core.IResolvable Attribute VSwitchId: The ID of VSwitch.


node: ConstructNode
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.ConstructNode

The construct tree node associated with this construct.


ref: str
  • Type: str


stack: Stack
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.Stack

The stack in which this resource is defined.


resource: RosResource
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.RosResource


attr_domain: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute Domain: Instance connection domain (only VPC network access supported).


attr_instance_charge_type: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute InstanceChargeType: Instance charge type.


attr_instance_id: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute InstanceId: The ID of the Elasticsearch instance.


attr_kibana_domain: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute KibanaDomain: Kibana console domain (Internet access supported).


attr_kibana_port: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute KibanaPort: Kibana console port.


attr_port: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute Port: Instance connection port.


attr_public_domain: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute PublicDomain: Instance public connection domain.


attr_status: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute Status: The Elasticsearch instance status.

Includes active, activating, inactive. Some operations are denied when status is not active.


attr_version: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute Version: Elasticsearch version.


attr_v_switch_id: IResolvable
  • Type: ros_cdk_core.IResolvable

Attribute VSwitchId: The ID of VSwitch.