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Properties for defining a NetworkPackage.



import ros_cdk_ecd
  bandwidth: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable],
  office_site_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable],
  auto_pay: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] = None,
  auto_renew: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] = None,
  internet_charge_type: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  pay_type: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  period: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable] = None,
  period_unit: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  promotion_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None


Name Type Description
bandwidth typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property bandwidth: The maximum public bandwidth.
office_site_id typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property officeSiteId: The ID of the workspace.
auto_pay typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property autoPay: Specifies whether to enable automatic payment.
auto_renew typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property autoRenew: Specifies whether to enable auto-renewal.
internet_charge_type typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property internetChargeType: The metering method of the pay-as-you-go Internet access package.
pay_type typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property payType: The billing method of the Internet access package.
period typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property period: The duration of the Internet access package.
period_unit typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property periodUnit: The unit of duration that you want to use for the Internet access package.
promotion_id typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property promotionId: The ID of the sales promotion.


bandwidth: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property bandwidth: The maximum public bandwidth.

Unit: Mbit/s. Valid values for the pay-by-data-transfer type (PayByTraffic): 10 to 200. Valid values for the pay-by-bandwith type (PayByBandwidth): 10 to 1000.


office_site_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property officeSiteId: The ID of the workspace.


auto_pay: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property autoPay: Specifies whether to enable automatic payment.


auto_renew: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[bool, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property autoRenew: Specifies whether to enable auto-renewal.


internet_charge_type: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property internetChargeType: The metering method of the pay-as-you-go Internet access package.

Valid values: PayByTraffic: pay-by-data-transfer. PayByBandwidth: pay-by-bandwidth. Default value: PayByTraffic.


pay_type: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property payType: The billing method of the Internet access package.

Enumeration Value: PostPaid PrePaid


period: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property period: The duration of the Internet access package.


period_unit: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property periodUnit: The unit of duration that you want to use for the Internet access package.

Enumeration Value: MonthYearWeek


promotion_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property promotionId: The ID of the sales promotion.