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import ros_cdk_core
  value: typing.Any,
  condition: RosCondition = None,
  description: str = None,
  export_name: str = None


Name Type Description
value typing.Any The value of the property returned by Resource Orchestration Service.
condition RosCondition A condition to associate with this output value.
description str A String type that describes the output value.
export_name str The name used to export the value of this output across stacks.


value: typing.Any
  • Type: typing.Any

The value of the property returned by Resource Orchestration Service.

The value of an output can include literals, parameter references, pseudo-parameters, a mapping value, or intrinsic functions.


condition: RosCondition
  • Type: RosCondition
  • Default: No condition is associated with the output.

A condition to associate with this output value.

If the condition evaluates to false, this output value will not be included in the stack.


description: str
  • Type: str
  • Default: No description.

A String type that describes the output value.

The description can be a maximum of 4 K in length.


export_name: str
  • Type: str
  • Default: the output is not exported

The name used to export the value of this output across stacks.

To import the value from another stack, use Fn.importValue(exportName).