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Properties for defining a DBCluster.



import ros_cdk_adb
  db_cluster_category: typing.Union[str, IResolvable],
  db_cluster_version: typing.Union[str, IResolvable],
  mode: typing.Union[str, IResolvable],
  pay_type: typing.Union[str, IResolvable],
  vpc_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable],
  v_switch_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable],
  compute_resource: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  db_cluster_class: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  db_cluster_description: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  db_node_group_count: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable] = None,
  db_node_storage: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable] = None,
  elastic_io_resource: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable] = None,
  executor_count: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable] = None,
  period: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable] = None,
  period_type: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  resource_group_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None,
  tags: typing.List[TagsProperty] = None,
  zone_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable] = None


Name Type Description
db_cluster_category typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property dbClusterCategory: The edition of the cluster.
db_cluster_version typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property dbClusterVersion: The version of the cluster.
mode typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property mode: The mode of the cluster.
pay_type typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property payType: The billing method of the cluster.
vpc_id typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property vpcId: The ID of the VPC.
v_switch_id typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property vSwitchId: The ID of the vSwitch.
compute_resource typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property computeResource: The computing resource of the cluster.
db_cluster_class typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property dbClusterClass: The specification of the cluster.
db_cluster_description typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property dbClusterDescription: The description of the cluster.
db_node_group_count typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property dbNodeGroupCount: The number of node groups.
db_node_storage typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property dbNodeStorage: The storage space of the node.
elastic_io_resource typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property elasticIoResource: Elastic IO Unit Note the flexible mode cluster will use this parameter.
executor_count typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property executorCount: ExecutorCount.
period typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property period: Valid values when the Period parameter is set to Month: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
period_type typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property periodType: The subscription period for the cluster.
resource_group_id typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property resourceGroupId: The ID of the resource group.
tags typing.List[TagsProperty] Property tags: Tags to attach to instance.
zone_id typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable] Property zoneId: The zone ID of the cluster.


db_cluster_category: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property dbClusterCategory: The edition of the cluster.

Valid values when the cluster is in reserved mode: Basic Cluster When the cluster is in elastic mode, set the value to MixedStorage.


db_cluster_version: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property dbClusterVersion: The version of the cluster.

Set the value to 3.0.


mode: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property mode: The mode of the cluster.

Valid values: Reserver: the reserved mode Flexible: the elastic mode


pay_type: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property payType: The billing method of the cluster.

Valid values: Postpaid: pay-as-you-go Prepaid: subscription


vpc_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property vpcId: The ID of the VPC.


v_switch_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property vSwitchId: The ID of the vSwitch.


compute_resource: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property computeResource: The computing resource of the cluster.

This parameter is required in elastic mode.


db_cluster_class: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property dbClusterClass: The specification of the cluster.

This parameter is required in reserved mode. Valid values: Basic Edition: T8, T16, T32, and T52 Cluster Edition: C8 and C32


db_cluster_description: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property dbClusterDescription: The description of the cluster.


db_node_group_count: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property dbNodeGroupCount: The number of node groups.

This parameter is required in reserved mode. Valid values: T8, T16, T32, and T52: 1 C8 and C32: 1 to 128


db_node_storage: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property dbNodeStorage: The storage space of the node.

This parameter is required in reserved mode. Unit: GB. Valid values: T8: 100 to 500 T16 and T32: 100 to 2000 T52: 100 to 4000 C8: 100 to 1000 C32: 100 to 8000 Note The storage space less than 1,000 GB increases in increments of 100 GB. The storage space greater than 1,000 GB increases in increments of 1,000 GB.


elastic_io_resource: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property elasticIoResource: Elastic IO Unit Note the flexible mode cluster will use this parameter.


executor_count: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property executorCount: ExecutorCount.


period: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[typing.Union[int, float], ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property period: Valid values when the Period parameter is set to Month: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

Valid values when the Period parameter is set to Year: 1, 2, and 3.


period_type: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property periodType: The subscription period for the cluster.

This parameter is required if the PayType parameter is set to Prepaid. Valid values: Year: subscription on a yearly basis Month: subscription on a monthly basis


resource_group_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property resourceGroupId: The ID of the resource group.


tags: typing.List[TagsProperty]

Property tags: Tags to attach to instance.

Max support 20 tags to add during create instance. Each tag with two properties Key and Value, and Key is required.


zone_id: typing.Union[str, IResolvable]
  • Type: typing.Union[str, ros_cdk_core.IResolvable]

Property zoneId: The zone ID of the cluster.

You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent zone list.