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This class encapsulates and extends the ROS resource type ALIYUN::SAG::QosPolicy, which is used to create a traffic classification rule for a quality of service (QoS) policy.


import com.aliyun.ros.cdk.sag.QosPolicy;
QosPolicy.Builder.create(Construct scope, java.lang.String id, java.lang.Boolean enableResourcePropertyConstraint)
//  .description(java.lang.String)
//  .description(IResolvable)
//  .dpiGroupIds(IResolvable)
//  .dpiGroupIds(java.util.List<java.lang.String)
//  .dpiGroupIds(IResolvable>)
//  .dpiSignatureIds(IResolvable)
//  .dpiSignatureIds(java.util.List<java.lang.String)
//  .dpiSignatureIds(IResolvable>)
//  .endTime(java.lang.String)
//  .endTime(IResolvable)
//  .name(java.lang.String)
//  .name(IResolvable)
//  .startTime(java.lang.String)
//  .startTime(IResolvable)
Name Type Description
scope com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.Construct No description.
id java.lang.String No description.
enableResourcePropertyConstraint java.lang.Boolean No description.
destCidr java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property destCidr: The range of the destination IP addresses.
destPortRange java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property destPortRange: The range of destination ports.
ipProtocol java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property ipProtocol: The type of the protocol that applies to the traffic classification rule.
priority java.lang.Number OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property priority: The priority of the traffic throttling policy to which the traffic classification rule belongs.
qosId java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property qosId: The ID of the QoS policy.
sourceCidr java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property sourceCidr: The range of the source IP addresses.
sourcePortRange java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property sourcePortRange: The range of source ports.
description java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property description: The description of the traffic classification rule.
dpiGroupIds com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable OR java.util.List Property dpiGroupIds: The ID of the application group.
dpiSignatureIds com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable OR java.util.List Property dpiSignatureIds: The ID of the application.
endTime java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property endTime: The time when the traffic classification rule becomes invalid.
name java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property name: The name of the traffic classification rule.
startTime java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property startTime: The time when the traffic classification rule takes effect.


  • Type: com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.Construct


  • Type: java.lang.String


  • Type: java.lang.Boolean


  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property destCidr: The range of the destination IP addresses.

Specify the value of this parameter in CIDR notation. Example:


  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property destPortRange: The range of destination ports.

Valid values: 1 to 65535 and -1. Set this parameter in one of the following formats: 1/200: a port range from 1 to 200 80/80: port 80 -1/-1: all ports


  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property ipProtocol: The type of the protocol that applies to the traffic classification rule.

The supported protocols provided in this topic are for reference only. The actual protocols in the console shall prevail.


  • Type: java.lang.Number OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property priority: The priority of the traffic throttling policy to which the traffic classification rule belongs.


  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property qosId: The ID of the QoS policy.


  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property sourceCidr: The range of the source IP addresses.

Specify the value of this parameter in CIDR notation. Example:


  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property sourcePortRange: The range of source ports.

Valid values: 1 to 65535 and -1. Set this parameter in one of the following formats: 1/200: a port range from 1 to 200 80/80: port 80 -1/-1: all ports


  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property description: The description of the traffic classification rule.

The description must be 1 to 512 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). It must start with a letter.


  • Type: com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable OR java.util.List

Property dpiGroupIds: The ID of the application group.

You can enter at most 100 application group IDs at a time. You can call the ListDpiGroups operation to query application group IDs and information about the applications.


  • Type: com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable OR java.util.List

Property dpiSignatureIds: The ID of the application.

You can enter at most 100 application IDs at a time. You can call the ListDpiSignatures operation to query application IDs and information about the applications.


  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property endTime: The time when the traffic classification rule becomes invalid.

Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+0800 format. The time must be in UTC+8.


  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property name: The name of the traffic classification rule.

The name must be 2 to 100 characters in length, and can contain digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). It must start with a letter.


  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property startTime: The time when the traffic classification rule takes effect.

Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+0800 format. The time must be in UTC+8.


Name Description
toString Returns a string representation of this construct.
synthesize Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
addCondition No description.
addCount No description.
addDependency No description.
addResourceDesc No description.
applyRemovalPolicy No description.
getAtt No description.
setMetadata No description.


public java.lang.String toString()

Returns a string representation of this construct.


public void synthesize(ISynthesisSession session)

Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.

This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as Stack and Asset as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.


  • Type: com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.ISynthesisSession

The synthesis session.


public void addCondition(RosCondition condition)


  • Type: com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.RosCondition


public void addCount(java.lang.Number OR IResolvable count)


  • Type: java.lang.Number OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable


public void addDependency(Resource resource)


  • Type: com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.Resource


public void addResourceDesc(java.lang.String desc)


  • Type: java.lang.String


public void applyRemovalPolicy(RemovalPolicy policy)


  • Type: com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.RemovalPolicy


public IResolvable getAtt(java.lang.String name)


  • Type: java.lang.String


public void setMetadata(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)


  • Type: java.lang.String


  • Type: java.lang.Object

Static Functions

Name Description
isConstruct Return whether the given object is a Construct.


import com.aliyun.ros.cdk.sag.QosPolicy;
QosPolicy.isConstruct(java.lang.Object x)

Return whether the given object is a Construct.


  • Type: java.lang.Object


Name Type Description
node com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.ConstructNode The construct tree node associated with this construct.
ref java.lang.String No description.
stack com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.Stack The stack in which this resource is defined.
resource com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.RosResource No description.
attrQosPolicyId com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Attribute QosPolicyId: The ID of the traffic classification rule.


public ConstructNode getNode();
  • Type: com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.ConstructNode

The construct tree node associated with this construct.


public java.lang.String getRef();
  • Type: java.lang.String


public Stack getStack();
  • Type: com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.Stack

The stack in which this resource is defined.


public RosResource getResource();
  • Type: com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.RosResource


public IResolvable getAttrQosPolicyId();
  • Type: com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Attribute QosPolicyId: The ID of the traffic classification rule.