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Properties for defining a Table.



import com.aliyun.ros.cdk.maxcompute.TableProps;
//  .comment(java.lang.String)
//  .comment(IResolvable)
//  .ifNotExists(java.lang.Boolean)
//  .ifNotExists(IResolvable)
//  .lifecycle(java.lang.Number)
//  .lifecycle(IResolvable)
//  .schema(IResolvable)
//  .schema(SchemaProperty)
//  .stringSchema(java.lang.String)
//  .stringSchema(IResolvable)


Name Type Description
name java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property name: Table name.
project java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property project: Project name, if not provided, will be the default project.
comment java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property comment: Table comment.
ifNotExists java.lang.Boolean OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property ifNotExists: If you create a table by using the name of an existing table and the parameter set to false, an error is returned.
lifecycle java.lang.Number OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property lifecycle: Table's lifecycle.
schema com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable OR SchemaProperty Property schema: Table schema.
stringSchema java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property stringSchema: Create a table with field names and field type strings.


public java.lang.Object getName();
  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property name: Table name.


public java.lang.Object getProject();
  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property project: Project name, if not provided, will be the default project.


public java.lang.Object getComment();
  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property comment: Table comment.


public java.lang.Object getIfNotExists();
  • Type: java.lang.Boolean OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property ifNotExists: If you create a table by using the name of an existing table and the parameter set to false, an error is returned.

If you specify the if not exists parameter, a success message is returned when you create a table by using the name of an existing table. The success message is returned even if the schema of the existing table is different from that of the table you want to create. If you create a table by using the name of an existing table, the table is not created and the metadata of the existing table is not changed.


public java.lang.Object getLifecycle();
  • Type: java.lang.Number OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property lifecycle: Table's lifecycle.


public java.lang.Object getSchema();

Property schema: Table schema.


public java.lang.Object getStringSchema();
  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property stringSchema: Create a table with field names and field type strings.

Example: 'num bigint, num2 double', 'pt string'