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Properties for defining a ImageSharePermission.



import com.aliyun.ros.cdk.ecs.ImageSharePermissionProps;
//  .accounts(IResolvable)
//  .accounts(java.util.List<java.lang.String)
//  .accounts(IResolvable>)
//  .isPublic(java.lang.Boolean)
//  .isPublic(IResolvable)
//  .keepPermission(java.lang.Boolean)
//  .keepPermission(IResolvable)


Name Type Description
imageId java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property imageId: The shared custom image ID.
accounts com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable OR java.util.List Property accounts: Alibaba Cloud account IDs authorized to share the image.
isPublic java.lang.Boolean OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property isPublic: Whether to publish or remove community mirrors.
keepPermission java.lang.Boolean OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property keepPermission: Whether to keep the original sharing permissions when resource is deleted, default is true.If set to false, Accounts will be removed if Accounts is set and IsPublic will be changed if IsPublic is set.


public java.lang.Object getImageId();
  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property imageId: The shared custom image ID.


public java.lang.Object getAccounts();
  • Type: com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable OR java.util.List

Property accounts: Alibaba Cloud account IDs authorized to share the image.


public java.lang.Object getIsPublic();
  • Type: java.lang.Boolean OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property isPublic: Whether to publish or remove community mirrors.

If this property is not set, no changes will be made to the community image


public java.lang.Object getKeepPermission();
  • Type: java.lang.Boolean OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property keepPermission: Whether to keep the original sharing permissions when resource is deleted, default is true.If set to false, Accounts will be removed if Accounts is set and IsPublic will be changed if IsPublic is set.