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Properties for defining a Command.



import com.aliyun.ros.cdk.ecs.CommandProps;
//  .commandContent(java.lang.String)
//  .commandContent(IResolvable)
//  .contentEncoding(java.lang.String)
//  .contentEncoding(IResolvable)
//  .description(java.lang.String)
//  .description(IResolvable)
//  .enableParameter(java.lang.Boolean)
//  .enableParameter(IResolvable)
//  .name(java.lang.String)
//  .name(IResolvable)
//  .resourceGroupId(java.lang.String)
//  .resourceGroupId(IResolvable)
//  .tags(java.util.List<TagsProperty>)
//  .timeout(java.lang.Number)
//  .timeout(IResolvable)
//  .workingDir(java.lang.String)
//  .workingDir(IResolvable)


Name Type Description
type java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property type: The type of command.
commandContent java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property commandContent: The content of command.
contentEncoding java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property contentEncoding: The encoding mode of script content (CommandContent).
description java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property description: The description of command.
enableParameter java.lang.Boolean OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property enableParameter: Specifies whether the script contains custom parameters.
name java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property name: The name of command.
resourceGroupId java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property resourceGroupId: Resource group id.
tags java.util.List<TagsProperty> Property tags: Tags to attach to command.
timeout java.lang.Number OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property timeout: Total timeout when the command is executed in the instance.
workingDir java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable Property workingDir: The path where command will be executed in the instance.


public java.lang.Object getType();
  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property type: The type of command.


public java.lang.Object getCommandContent();
  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property commandContent: The content of command.

Content requires base64 encoding. Maximum size support 16KB.


public java.lang.Object getContentEncoding();
  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property contentEncoding: The encoding mode of script content (CommandContent).

Valid values (case insensitive): PlainText: The script content is not encoded, and transmitted in plaintext. Base64: base64-encoded. Default value: Base64. If the specified value of this parameter is invalid, Base64 is used by default.


public java.lang.Object getDescription();
  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property description: The description of command.


public java.lang.Object getEnableParameter();
  • Type: java.lang.Boolean OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property enableParameter: Specifies whether the script contains custom parameters.

Default value: false


public java.lang.Object getName();
  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property name: The name of command.


public java.lang.Object getResourceGroupId();
  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property resourceGroupId: Resource group id.


public java.util.List<TagsProperty> getTags();

Property tags: Tags to attach to command.

Max support 20 tags to add during create command. Each tag with two properties Key and Value, and Key is required.


public java.lang.Object getTimeout();
  • Type: java.lang.Number OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property timeout: Total timeout when the command is executed in the instance.

Input the time unit as second. Default is 60s.


public java.lang.Object getWorkingDir();
  • Type: java.lang.String OR com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.IResolvable

Property workingDir: The path where command will be executed in the instance.