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Returns true if any one of the specified conditions evaluate to true, or returns false if all of the conditions evaluates to false.

Fn::Or acts as an OR operator. The minimum number of conditions that you can include is 2, and the maximum is 10.


import com.aliyun.ros.cdk.core.FnOr;
new FnOr(java.lang.String OR IRosConditionExpression condition);
Name Type Description
condition java.lang.String OR IRosConditionExpression A condition that evaluates to true or false.


A condition that evaluates to true or false.


Name Description
resolve Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
toJSON Turn this Token into JSON.
toString Convert an instance of this Token to a string.


public java.lang.Object resolve(IResolveContext _context)

Produce the Token's value at resolution time.



public java.lang.Object toJSON()

Turn this Token into JSON.

Called automatically when JSON.stringify() is called on a Token.


public java.lang.String toString()

Convert an instance of this Token to a string.

This method will be called implicitly by language runtimes if the object is embedded into a string. We treat it the same as an explicit stringification.


Name Type Description
creationStack java.util.List The captured stack trace which represents the location in which this token was created.


public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getCreationStack();
  • Type: java.util.List

The captured stack trace which represents the location in which this token was created.