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Properties for defining a BackendServerAttachment.



using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Slb;
new BackendServerAttachmentProps {
    object LoadBalancerId,
    object BackendServerList = null,
    object BackendServers = null,
    object BackendServerWeightList = null


Name Type Description
LoadBalancerId object Property loadBalancerId: The id of load balancer.
BackendServerList object Property backendServerList: The comma delimited instance id list.If the property "BackendServers" is setting, this property will be ignored.
BackendServers object Property backendServers: The list of ECS instance, which will attached to load balancer.
BackendServerWeightList object Property backendServerWeightList: The comma delimited weight list.


public object LoadBalancerId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property loadBalancerId: The id of load balancer.


public object BackendServerList { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property backendServerList: The comma delimited instance id list.If the property "BackendServers" is setting, this property will be ignored.


public object BackendServers { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property backendServers: The list of ECS instance, which will attached to load balancer.


public object BackendServerWeightList { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property backendServerWeightList: The comma delimited weight list.

If no value specified will use 100. If the length is small than "BackendServerList", it will copy the last one to fill the array.If the property "BackendServers" is setting, this property will be ignored.