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Properties for defining a Instance.



using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Searchengine;
new InstanceProps {
    object ChargeType,
    object Password,
    object QrsNum,
    object QrsSpec,
    object SearcherDocSize,
    object SearcherNum,
    object SearcherSpec,
    object UserName,
    object VpcId,
    object VSwitchId


Name Type Description
ChargeType object Property chargeType: The billing method.
Password object Property password: The password of instance.
QrsNum object Property qrsNum: The number of query nodes.
QrsSpec object Property qrsSpec: The specification of query nodes.
SearcherDocSize object Property searcherDocSize: The storage size of single data node.
SearcherNum object Property searcherNum: The number of data nodes.
SearcherSpec object Property searcherSpec: The specification of data nodes.
UserName object Property userName: The user name of instance.
VpcId object Property vpcId: The ID of VPC.
VSwitchId object Property vSwitchId: The ID of vSwitch.


public object ChargeType { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property chargeType: The billing method.

Valid values: POSTPAY. POSTPAY: pay-as-you-go.


public object Password { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property password: The password of instance.

It consists of lowercase letters and numbers, and the length is 6-8 characters.


public object QrsNum { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property qrsNum: The number of query nodes.


public object QrsSpec { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property qrsSpec: The specification of query nodes.


public object SearcherDocSize { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property searcherDocSize: The storage size of single data node.


public object SearcherNum { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property searcherNum: The number of data nodes.


public object SearcherSpec { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property searcherSpec: The specification of data nodes.


public object UserName { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property userName: The user name of instance.

Begin with a letter, support upper and lower case letters, numbers, underscores, length 1-30 characters.


public object VpcId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property vpcId: The ID of VPC.


public object VSwitchId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property vSwitchId: The ID of vSwitch.