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Properties for defining a SlbBinding.



using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Sae;
new SlbBindingProps {
    object AppId,
    object Internet = null,
    object InternetSlbId = null,
    object Intranet = null,
    object IntranetSlbId = null


Name Type Description
AppId object Property appId: Successful application deployment target ID.
Internet object Property internet: Binding public SLB.
InternetSlbId object Property internetSlbId: Use SLB purchased specified, currently only supports non-shared examples.
Intranet object Property intranet: Bind private SLB.
IntranetSlbId object Property intranetSlbId: Use SLB purchased specified, currently only supports non-shared examples.


public object AppId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property appId: Successful application deployment target ID.


public object Internet { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property internet: Binding public SLB.

For example: [{ "port": 80, "targetPort": 8080, "protocol": "TCP"}], shows a container port 8080 through port 80 slb exposed service, the protocol is TCP, the blank is ignored.


public object InternetSlbId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property internetSlbId: Use SLB purchased specified, currently only supports non-shared examples.


public object Intranet { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property intranet: Bind private SLB.

For example: [{ "port": 80, "targetPort": 8080, "protocol": "TCP"}], shows a container port 8080 through port 80 slb exposed service, the protocol is TCP, the blank is ignored.


public object IntranetSlbId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property intranetSlbId: Use SLB purchased specified, currently only supports non-shared examples.