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Properties for defining a Application.



using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Sae;
new ApplicationProps {
    object AppName,
    object Cpu,
    object Memory,
    object NamespaceId,
    object PackageType,
    object Replicas,
    object AcrAssumeRoleArn = null,
    object AcrInstanceId = null,
    object AppDescription = null,
    object AppSource = null,
    object AssociateEip = null,
    object AutoConfig = null,
    object BaseAppId = null,
    object Command = null,
    object CommandArgs = null,
    object ConfigMapMountDesc = null,
    object CustomHostAlias = null,
    object Deploy = null,
    object EdasContainerVersion = null,
    object EnableEbpf = null,
    object Envs = null,
    object ImagePullSecrets = null,
    object ImageUrl = null,
    object JarStartArgs = null,
    object JarStartOptions = null,
    object Jdk = null,
    object KafkaConfigs = null,
    object Liveness = null,
    object MicroRegistration = null,
    object MicroRegistrationConfig = null,
    object MountDesc = null,
    object MountHost = null,
    object NasConfigs = null,
    object NasId = null,
    object OssAkId = null,
    object OssAkSecret = null,
    object OssMountDescs = null,
    object PackageUrl = null,
    object PackageVersion = null,
    object Php = null,
    object PhpArmsConfigLocation = null,
    object PhpConfig = null,
    object PhpConfigLocation = null,
    object PostStart = null,
    object PreStop = null,
    object ProgrammingLanguage = null,
    object PvtzDiscoverySvc = null,
    object Python = null,
    object PythonModules = null,
    object Readiness = null,
    object SaeVersion = null,
    object SecurityGroupId = null,
    object ServiceTags = null,
    object SlsConfigs = null,
    TagsProperty[] Tags = null,
    object TerminationGracePeriodSeconds = null,
    object Timezone = null,
    object TomcatConfig = null,
    object VpcId = null,
    object VSwitchId = null,
    object WarStartOptions = null,
    object WebContainer = null


Name Type Description
AppName object Property appName: Application Name.
Cpu object Property cpu: Each instance of the CPU required, in units of milli core, can not be zero.
Memory object Property memory: Each instance of the required memory, in units of MB, can not be zero.
NamespaceId object Property namespaceId: EDAS namespace corresponding to ID.
PackageType object Property packageType: Application package type.
Replicas object Property replicas: The initial number of instances.
AcrAssumeRoleArn object Property acrAssumeRoleArn: The ARN of the RAM role required when pulling the image across accounts.
AcrInstanceId object Property acrInstanceId: Container Image service ACR Enterprise Edition instance ID.
AppDescription object Property appDescription: Application description.
AppSource object Property appSource: Application source.
AssociateEip object Property associateEip: Whether to bind EIP.
AutoConfig object Property autoConfig: Whether to automatically configure the network environment.
BaseAppId object Property baseAppId: Base application ID.
Command object Property command: Mirroring the start command.
CommandArgs object Property commandArgs: Mirroring the start command parameters.
ConfigMapMountDesc object Property configMapMountDesc: ConfigMap mount description.
CustomHostAlias object Property customHostAlias: Custom mapping host vessel.
Deploy object Property deploy: Whether deployed immediately take effect, the default is false.
EdasContainerVersion object Property edasContainerVersion: EDAS pandora runtime environment used by the application.
EnableEbpf object Property enableEbpf: Whether to enable EBPF.
Envs object Property envs: Container environment variable parameters.
ImagePullSecrets object Property imagePullSecrets: Corresponding to the secret dictionary ID.
ImageUrl object Property imageUrl: Mirroring address.
JarStartArgs object Property jarStartArgs: Jar package startup application parameters.
JarStartOptions object Property jarStartOptions: Jar start the application package option.
Jdk object Property jdk: Deployment of JDK version of the package depends on.
KafkaConfigs object Property kafkaConfigs: Logs are ingested to Kafka configuration summary information.
Liveness object Property liveness: Container health check, health check fails container will be killed and recovery.
MicroRegistration object Property microRegistration: Select the Nacos registry with the following values: - 0: SAE built-in Nacos.
MicroRegistrationConfig object Property microRegistrationConfig: Registry configuration information.
MountDesc object Property mountDesc: Mount Description.
MountHost object Property mountHost: nas mount point in the application of vpc.
NasConfigs object Property nasConfigs: Configuration to mount the NAS.
NasId object Property nasId: Mount the NAS ID, you must be in the same region and cluster.
OssAkId object Property ossAkId: AccessKey ID of the OSS.
OssAkSecret object Property ossAkSecret: AccessKey Secret of the OSS.
OssMountDescs object Property ossMountDescs: OSS mount description information.
PackageUrl object Property packageUrl: Deployment packages address.
PackageVersion object Property packageVersion: The version number of the deployed package, War FatJar type required.
Php object Property php: PHP version.
PhpArmsConfigLocation object Property phpArmsConfigLocation: The PHP application monitors the mount path and requires you to ensure that the PHP server loads the configuration file for this path.
PhpConfig object Property phpConfig: PHP configuration file contents.
PhpConfigLocation object Property phpConfigLocation: PHP application launch configuration mount path, you need to ensure that the PHP server will be started with this configuration file.
PostStart object Property postStart: Executing the script, such as after starting the format: { "exec": { "command": "cat", "\/ etc \/ group"}}.
PreStop object Property preStop: Script is executed before stopping the format as: { "exec": { "command": "cat", "\/ etc \/ group"}}.
ProgrammingLanguage object Property programmingLanguage: Create the stack language for the application.
PvtzDiscoverySvc object Property pvtzDiscoverySvc: Enable K8s Service registration discovery.
Python object Property python: Python version.
PythonModules object Property pythonModules: Install custom module dependencies.
Readiness object Property readiness: Application launch status check, health check fails repeatedly container will be killed and restarted.
SaeVersion object Property saeVersion: SAE version.
SecurityGroupId object Property securityGroupId: Security group ID.
ServiceTags object Property serviceTags: Service tags.
SlsConfigs object Property slsConfigs: Log collection configuration file.
Tags TagsProperty[] Property tags: Tags to attach to application.
TerminationGracePeriodSeconds object Property terminationGracePeriodSeconds: Graceful offline timeout, default 30, unit of seconds.
Timezone object Property timezone: Application time zone.
TomcatConfig object Property tomcatConfig: Tomcat file configuration, set to "" or "{}" to delete the configuration: - port: Ports in the range of 1024 to 65535 require Root privileges to operate on ports below 1024 Because the container is configured with Admin access, please specify a port greater than 1024.
VpcId object Property vpcId: EDAS namespace corresponding VPC.
VSwitchId object Property vSwitchId: Application examples where the elastic card virtual switch.
WarStartOptions object Property warStartOptions: War Start the application package option.
WebContainer object Property webContainer: Tomcat deployment of the package depends on the version.


public object AppName { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property appName: Application Name.

Allowed numbers, letters and underlined combinations thereof. We must begin with the letters, the maximum length of 36 characters.


public object Cpu { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property cpu: Each instance of the CPU required, in units of milli core, can not be zero.

Currently only supports fixed specifications instance type.


public object Memory { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property memory: Each instance of the required memory, in units of MB, can not be zero.

Currently only supports fixed specifications instance type.


public object NamespaceId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property namespaceId: EDAS namespace corresponding to ID.

Canada supports only the name of the scribe lowercase namespace must begin with a letter. Namespace can interface to obtain from DescribeNamespaceList.


public object PackageType { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property packageType: Application package type.

Support FatJar, War, Image.


public object Replicas { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property replicas: The initial number of instances.


public object AcrAssumeRoleArn { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property acrAssumeRoleArn: The ARN of the RAM role required when pulling the image across accounts.


public object AcrInstanceId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property acrInstanceId: Container Image service ACR Enterprise Edition instance ID.

Required when ImageUrl serves enterprise edition for container images.


public object AppDescription { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property appDescription: Application description.

No more than 1024 characters.


public object AppSource { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property appSource: Application source.


public object AssociateEip { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property associateEip: Whether to bind EIP.

The values are explained as follows:

  • true: Binding.
  • false: No binding


public object AutoConfig { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property autoConfig: Whether to automatically configure the network environment.

The values are explained as follows:

  • true: SAE automatically config the network environment when creating the application. The values for NamespaceId, VpcId, vSwitchId, and SecurityGroupId are ignored.
  • false: SAE manually config the network environment when creating the application.


public object BaseAppId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property baseAppId: Base application ID.


public object Command { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property command: Mirroring the start command.

The command object in memory executable container must be. For example: sleep. This command will cause the image to set the original startup command failure.


public object CommandArgs { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property commandArgs: Mirroring the start command parameters.

Parameters required for the start-command. For example: [ "1d"]


public object ConfigMapMountDesc { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property configMapMountDesc: ConfigMap mount description.

Use the configuration items created on the namespace configuration items page to inject configuration information into the container.


public object CustomHostAlias { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property customHostAlias: Custom mapping host vessel.

For example: [{ "hostName": "samplehost", "ip": ""}]


public object Deploy { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property deploy: Whether deployed immediately take effect, the default is false.


public object EdasContainerVersion { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property edasContainerVersion: EDAS pandora runtime environment used by the application.


public object EnableEbpf { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property enableEbpf: Whether to enable EBPF.

Enable application monitoring for non-Java applications. The values are explained as follows:

  • true: Enable.
  • false: Disable.


public object Envs { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property envs: Container environment variable parameters.

For example: [{ "name": "envtmp", "value": "0"}]


public object ImagePullSecrets { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property imagePullSecrets: Corresponding to the secret dictionary ID.


public object ImageUrl { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property imageUrl: Mirroring address.

Image only type of application can be configured to mirror address.


public object JarStartArgs { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property jarStartArgs: Jar package startup application parameters.

Apply the default startup command: $ JAVA_HOME / bin / java $ JarStartOptions -jar $ CATALINA_OPTS "$ package_path" $ JarStartArgs


public object JarStartOptions { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property jarStartOptions: Jar start the application package option.

Apply the default startup command: $ JAVA_HOME / bin / java $ JarStartOptions -jar $ CATALINA_OPTS "$ package_path" $ JarStartArgs


public object Jdk { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property jdk: Deployment of JDK version of the package depends on.

Mirroring not supported.


public object KafkaConfigs { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property kafkaConfigs: Logs are ingested to Kafka configuration summary information.

The values are explained as follows:

  • kafkaEndpoint: The service access address for the Kafka API
  • kafkaInstanceId: Kafka instance ID
  • kafkaConfigs: Configuration summary information for one or more logs See Request parameters kafkaConfigs for a description of these values.


public object Liveness { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property liveness: Container health check, health check fails container will be killed and recovery.

Currently only supports mode command issued in the container. The columns: { "exec": { "command": [ "sleep", "5s"]}, "initialDelaySeconds": 10, "timeoutSeconds": 11}


public object MicroRegistration { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property microRegistration: Select the Nacos registry with the following values: - 0: SAE built-in Nacos.

  • 1: User-built Nacos.
  • 2: MSE commercial version of Nacos.


public object MicroRegistrationConfig { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property microRegistrationConfig: Registry configuration information.


public object MountDesc { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property mountDesc: Mount Description.


public object MountHost { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property mountHost: nas mount point in the application of vpc.


public object NasConfigs { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property nasConfigs: Configuration to mount the NAS.

The values are explained as follows:

  • mountPath: The container mount path
  • readOnly: A value of false indicates read and write permission.
  • nasId: NAS ID
  • mountDomain: The container mount point address For more information, see DescribeMountTargets.
  • nasPath: NAS relative file directory


public object NasId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property nasId: Mount the NAS ID, you must be in the same region and cluster.

It must be available to create a mount point limit, or switch on its mount point already in the VPC. If you do not fill, and there mountDescs field, the default will automatically purchase a NAS and mount it onto the switch within the VPC.


public object OssAkId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property ossAkId: AccessKey ID of the OSS.


public object OssAkSecret { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property ossAkSecret: AccessKey Secret of the OSS.


public object OssMountDescs { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property ossMountDescs: OSS mount description information.

The parameters are described as follows:

  • bucketName: The name of the Bucket
  • bucketPath: The directory or OSS object you created in OSS that will raise an exception if the OSS mount directory does not exist.
  • mountPath: Your container path in SAE. If the path already exists, it is a covering relationship. If the path doesn't exist, it will be created.
  • readOnly: This specifies whether the container path has read-only permissions for mount directory resources:

  • true: Read-only permission

  • false: Read and write permissions


public object PackageUrl { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property packageUrl: Deployment packages address.

Only FatJar War or the type of application can be configured to deploy packet address.


public object PackageVersion { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property packageVersion: The version number of the deployed package, War FatJar type required.

Please customize it meaning.


public object Php { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property php: PHP version.


public object PhpArmsConfigLocation { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property phpArmsConfigLocation: The PHP application monitors the mount path and requires you to ensure that the PHP server loads the configuration file for this path.

You don't need to worry about the configuration content; SAE will automatically render the correct configuration file.


public object PhpConfig { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property phpConfig: PHP configuration file contents.


public object PhpConfigLocation { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property phpConfigLocation: PHP application launch configuration mount path, you need to ensure that the PHP server will be started with this configuration file.


public object PostStart { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property postStart: Executing the script, such as after starting the format: { "exec": { "command": "cat", "\/ etc \/ group"}}.


public object PreStop { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property preStop: Script is executed before stopping the format as: { "exec": { "command": "cat", "\/ etc \/ group"}}.


public object ProgrammingLanguage { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property programmingLanguage: Create the stack language for the application.

The values are explained as follows:

  • java: The Java language
  • php: PHP language.
  • other: Multiple languages such as Python, C++, Go,.NET, Node.js, etc.


public object PvtzDiscoverySvc { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property pvtzDiscoverySvc: Enable K8s Service registration discovery.

The values are explained as follows:

  • serviceName: The name of the service The format is custom-namespace ID, in which the postfix-namespace ID does not support customization and needs to be filled in according to the namespace of the application. For example, choosing the default namespace for the North China 2 (Beijing) region would be -cn-beijing-default.
  • namespaceId: The namespace ID
  • portProtocols: Ports and protocols The port is in the range [1,65535] and supports both TCP and UDP protocols.
  • portAndProtocol: Ports and protocols The port is in the range [1,65535] and supports both TCP and UDP protocols. portProtocols is preferred. If portProtocols is set, only portProtocols will take effect.
  • enable: Enable K8s Service registration discovery.


public object Python { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property python: Python version.

Supports PYTHON 3.9.15


public object PythonModules { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property pythonModules: Install custom module dependencies.

The dependencies defined in requirements.txt in the root directory are installed by default. If the package is not configured or customized, you can specify the dependencies to install.


public object Readiness { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property readiness: Application launch status check, health check fails repeatedly container will be killed and restarted.

Do not pass health check of the vessel will not have to enter SLB traffic. For example: { "exec": { "command": [ "sleep", "6s"]}, "initialDelaySeconds": 15, "timeoutSeconds": 12}


public object SaeVersion { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property saeVersion: SAE version.


public object SecurityGroupId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property securityGroupId: Security group ID.


public object ServiceTags { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property serviceTags: Service tags.


public object SlsConfigs { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property slsConfigs: Log collection configuration file.


public TagsProperty[] Tags { get; set; }

Property tags: Tags to attach to application.

Max support 20 tags to add during create application. Each tag with two properties Key and Value, and Key is required.


public object TerminationGracePeriodSeconds { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property terminationGracePeriodSeconds: Graceful offline timeout, default 30, unit of seconds.

The value ranges from 1 to 300.


public object Timezone { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property timezone: Application time zone.

Default Asia/Shanghai.


public object TomcatConfig { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property tomcatConfig: Tomcat file configuration, set to "" or "{}" to delete the configuration: - port: Ports in the range of 1024 to 65535 require Root privileges to operate on ports below 1024 Because the container is configured with Admin access, please specify a port greater than 1024.

If not configured, it defaults to 8080.

  • contextPath: The access path, defaults to the root directory "/"
  • maxThreads: This config the number of connections in the pool; the default is 400.
  • uriEncoding: Tomcat's encoding formats, including UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, GBK, and GB2312 If not set, it defaults to ISO-8859-1.
  • useBodyEncodingForUri: Whether to useBodyEncoding for URL (defaults to true).


public object VpcId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property vpcId: EDAS namespace corresponding VPC.

In Serverless in a corresponding one of the VPC namespace only, and can not be modified. Serverless first created in the application name space will form a binding relationship. You may correspond to a plurality of namespaces VPC. Do not fill was VpcId namespace binding.


public object VSwitchId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property vSwitchId: Application examples where the elastic card virtual switch.

The switch must be located above the VPC. The same switch with EDAS namespace binding relationship. Do not fill was VSwitchId namespace binding.


public object WarStartOptions { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property warStartOptions: War Start the application package option.

Apply the default startup command: java $ JAVA_OPTS $ CATALINA_OPTS -Options org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap "$ @" start


public object WebContainer { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property webContainer: Tomcat deployment of the package depends on the version.

Mirroring not supported.