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Properties for defining a Database.



using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Rds;
new DatabaseProps {
    object CharacterSetName,
    object DbInstanceId,
    object DbName,
    object DbDescription = null


Name Type Description
CharacterSetName object Property characterSetName: The character set you want to use for the database.
DbInstanceId object Property dbInstanceId: The ID of the instance.
DbName object Property dbName: The name of the database you want to create.
DbDescription object Property dbDescription: The description of the database.


public object CharacterSetName { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property characterSetName: The character set you want to use for the database.

Valid values: MySQL and MariaDB: utf8 | gbk | latin1 | utf8mb4. SQL Server: Chinese_PRC_CI_AS | Chinese_PRC_CS_AS | SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS | SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS | Chinese_PRC_BIN. PostgreSQL: KOI8U | UTF8 | WIN866 | WIN874 | WIN1250 | WIN1251 | WIN1252 | WIN1253 | WIN1254 | WIN1255 | WIN1256 | WIN1257 | WIN1258 | EUC_CN | EUC_KR | EUC_TW | EUC_JP | EUC_JIS_2004 | KOI8R | MULE_INTERNAL | LATIN1 | LATIN2 | LATIN3 | LATIN4 | LATIN5 | LATIN6 | LATIN7 | LATIN8 | LATIN9 | LATIN10 | ISO_8859_5 | ISO_8859_6 | ISO_8859_7 | ISO_8859_8 | SQL_ASCII.


public object DbInstanceId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property dbInstanceId: The ID of the instance.


public object DbName { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property dbName: The name of the database you want to create.

Note The name must be 2 to 64 characters in length. The name must start with a lowercase letter and end with a lowercase letter or digit. The name can contain lowercase letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The name must be unique in the instance. For more information about invalid characters, see Forbidden keywords table.


public object DbDescription { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property dbDescription: The description of the database.

The description must be 2 to 256 characters in length. The description must start with a letter and can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). Note The description cannot start with http:// or https://.