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Properties for defining a Subscription.



using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Mns;
new SubscriptionProps {
    object Endpoint,
    object SubscriptionName,
    object TopicName,
    object FilterTag = null,
    object NotifyContentFormat = null,
    object NotifyStrategy = null


Name Type Description
Endpoint object Property endpoint: Terminal address of the message recipient for the created subscription.
SubscriptionName object Property subscriptionName: Subscription name.
TopicName object Property topicName: Topic name.
FilterTag object Property filterTag: Message filter tag in the created subscription (Only messages with consistent tags are pushed.) The value is a string of no more than 16 characters. The default value is no message filter.
NotifyContentFormat object Property notifyContentFormat: Format of the message content pushed to the endpoint.
NotifyStrategy object Property notifyStrategy: Retry policy that will be applied when an error occurs during message push to the endpoint.


public object Endpoint { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property endpoint: Terminal address of the message recipient for the created subscription.

Currently, four types of endpoints are supported:

  1. HttpEndpoint, which must be prefixed with "http://";
  2. QueueEndpoint, in the format of acs:mns:{REGION}:{AccountID}:queues/{QueueName};
  3. MailEndpoint, in the format of mail:directmail:{MailAddress};
  4. SmsEndpoint, in the format of sms:directsms:anonymous or sms:directsms:{Phone}.


public object SubscriptionName { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property subscriptionName: Subscription name.


public object TopicName { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property topicName: Topic name.


public object FilterTag { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property filterTag: Message filter tag in the created subscription (Only messages with consistent tags are pushed.) The value is a string of no more than 16 characters. The default value is no message filter.


public object NotifyContentFormat { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property notifyContentFormat: Format of the message content pushed to the endpoint.

XML, JSON, or SIMPLIFIED; default value: XML. For details about message formats, refer to Basic Concepts/NotifyContentFormat.


public object NotifyStrategy { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property notifyStrategy: Retry policy that will be applied when an error occurs during message push to the endpoint.

BACKOFF_RETRY or EXPONENTIAL_DECAY_RETRY; default value: BACKOFF_RETRY. For details about retry policies, refer to Basic Concepts/NotifyStrategy.