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This class encapsulates and extends the ROS resource type ALIYUN::HBR::Vault, which is used to create a backup vault.


using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Hbr;
new Vault(Construct Scope, string Id, VaultProps Props, bool EnableResourcePropertyConstraint = null);
Name Type Description
Scope AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.Construct No description.
Id string No description.
Props VaultProps No description.
EnableResourcePropertyConstraint bool No description.


  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.Construct


  • Type: string



  • Type: bool


Name Description
ToString Returns a string representation of this construct.
Synthesize Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
AddCondition No description.
AddCount No description.
AddDependency No description.
AddResourceDesc No description.
ApplyRemovalPolicy No description.
GetAtt No description.
SetMetadata No description.


private string ToString()

Returns a string representation of this construct.


private void Synthesize(ISynthesisSession Session)

Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.

This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as Stack and Asset as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.


  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.ISynthesisSession

The synthesis session.


private void AddCondition(RosCondition Condition)


  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.RosCondition


private void AddCount(object Count)


  • Type: object


private void AddDependency(Resource Resource)


  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.Resource


private void AddResourceDesc(string Desc)


  • Type: string


private void ApplyRemovalPolicy(RemovalPolicy Policy)


  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.RemovalPolicy


private IResolvable GetAtt(string Name)


  • Type: string


private void SetMetadata(string Key, object Value)


  • Type: string


  • Type: object

Static Functions

Name Description
IsConstruct Return whether the given object is a Construct.


using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Hbr;
Vault.IsConstruct(object X);

Return whether the given object is a Construct.


  • Type: object


Name Type Description
Node AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.ConstructNode The construct tree node associated with this construct.
Ref string No description.
Stack AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.Stack The stack in which this resource is defined.
Resource AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.RosResource No description.
AttrBackupPlanStatistics AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute BackupPlanStatistics: The statistics of backup plans that use the backup vault.
AttrBytesDone AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute BytesDone: The amount of data that is backed up.
AttrCreateTime AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute CreateTime: The time when the backup vault was created.
AttrDedup AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute Dedup: Indicates whether the deduplication feature is enabled.
AttrDescription AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute Description: The description of the backup vault.
AttrIndexAvailable AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute IndexAvailable: Indicates whether indexes are available.
AttrIndexLevel AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute IndexLevel: The index level.
AttrIndexUpdateTime AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute IndexUpdateTime: The time when the index was updated.
AttrLatestReplicationTime AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute LatestReplicationTime: The time when the last remote backup was synchronized.
AttrPaymentType AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute PaymentType: PaymentType.
AttrRedundancyType AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute RedundancyType: The data redundancy type of the backup vault.
AttrReplication AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute Replication: Indicates whether the backup vault is a remote backup vault.
AttrReplicationProgress AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute ReplicationProgress: The progress of data synchronization from the backup vault to the mirror vault.
AttrReplicationSourceRegionId AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute ReplicationSourceRegionId: The ID of the region where the remote backup vault resides.
AttrReplicationSourceVaultId AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute ReplicationSourceVaultId: The ID of the source vault that corresponds to the remote backup vault.
AttrResourceGroupId AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute ResourceGroupId: The ID of the resource group.
AttrRetention AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute Retention: The retention period of the backup vault.
AttrSearchEnabled AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute SearchEnabled: Indicates whether the backup search feature is enabled.
AttrSourceTypes AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute SourceTypes: The information about the data source.
AttrStorageSize AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute StorageSize: The usage of the backup vault.
AttrTags AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute Tags: The tags of the backup vault.
AttrTrialInfo AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute TrialInfo: The free trial information.
AttrUpdatedTime AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute UpdatedTime: The time when the backup vault was updated.
AttrVaultId AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute VaultId: The ID of the backup vault.
AttrVaultName AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute VaultName: The name of the backup vault.
AttrVaultStatusMessage AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute VaultStatusMessage: The status message that is returned when the backup vault is in the ERROR state.
AttrVaultStorageClass AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute VaultStorageClass: The storage type of the backup vault.
AttrVaultType AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable Attribute VaultType: The type of the backup vault.


public ConstructNode Node { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.ConstructNode

The construct tree node associated with this construct.


public string Ref { get; }
  • Type: string


public Stack Stack { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.Stack

The stack in which this resource is defined.


public RosResource Resource { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.RosResource


public IResolvable AttrBackupPlanStatistics { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute BackupPlanStatistics: The statistics of backup plans that use the backup vault.


public IResolvable AttrBytesDone { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute BytesDone: The amount of data that is backed up.

Unit: bytes.


public IResolvable AttrCreateTime { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute CreateTime: The time when the backup vault was created.

This value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: seconds.


public IResolvable AttrDedup { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute Dedup: Indicates whether the deduplication feature is enabled.


public IResolvable AttrDescription { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute Description: The description of the backup vault.


public IResolvable AttrIndexAvailable { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute IndexAvailable: Indicates whether indexes are available.

Indexes are available when they are not being updated.


public IResolvable AttrIndexLevel { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute IndexLevel: The index level.

  • OFF: No indexes are created.
  • META: Metadata indexes are created.
  • ALL: Full-text indexes are created.


public IResolvable AttrIndexUpdateTime { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute IndexUpdateTime: The time when the index was updated.


public IResolvable AttrLatestReplicationTime { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute LatestReplicationTime: The time when the last remote backup was synchronized.

This value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: seconds.


public IResolvable AttrPaymentType { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute PaymentType: PaymentType.


public IResolvable AttrRedundancyType { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute RedundancyType: The data redundancy type of the backup vault.

Valid values:

  • LRS: Locally redundant storage (LRS) is enabled for the backup vault. HBR stores the copies of each object on multiple devices of different facilities in the same zone. This way, HBR ensures data durability and availability even if hardware failures occur.
  • ZRS: Zone-redundant storage (ZRS) is enabled for the backup vault. HBR uses the multi-zone mechanism to distribute data across three zones within the same region. If a zone fails, the data that is stored in the other two zones is still accessible.


public IResolvable AttrReplication { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute Replication: Indicates whether the backup vault is a remote backup vault.

Valid values:

  • true: The backup vault is a remote backup vault.
  • false: The backup vault is an on-premises backup vault.


public IResolvable AttrReplicationProgress { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute ReplicationProgress: The progress of data synchronization from the backup vault to the mirror vault.


public IResolvable AttrReplicationSourceRegionId { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute ReplicationSourceRegionId: The ID of the region where the remote backup vault resides.


public IResolvable AttrReplicationSourceVaultId { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute ReplicationSourceVaultId: The ID of the source vault that corresponds to the remote backup vault.


public IResolvable AttrResourceGroupId { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute ResourceGroupId: The ID of the resource group.


public IResolvable AttrRetention { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute Retention: The retention period of the backup vault.

Unit: days.


public IResolvable AttrSearchEnabled { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute SearchEnabled: Indicates whether the backup search feature is enabled.


public IResolvable AttrSourceTypes { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute SourceTypes: The information about the data source.


public IResolvable AttrStorageSize { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute StorageSize: The usage of the backup vault.

Unit: bytes.


public IResolvable AttrTags { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute Tags: The tags of the backup vault.


public IResolvable AttrTrialInfo { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute TrialInfo: The free trial information.


public IResolvable AttrUpdatedTime { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute UpdatedTime: The time when the backup vault was updated.

This value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: seconds.


public IResolvable AttrVaultId { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute VaultId: The ID of the backup vault.


public IResolvable AttrVaultName { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute VaultName: The name of the backup vault.


public IResolvable AttrVaultStatusMessage { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute VaultStatusMessage: The status message that is returned when the backup vault is in the ERROR state.

This parameter is available only for remote backup vaults. Valid values:

  • *UNKNOWN_ERROR: An unknown error occurs.
  • SOURCE_VAULT_ALREADY_HAS_REPLICATION: A mirror vault is configured for the source vault.


public IResolvable AttrVaultStorageClass { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute VaultStorageClass: The storage type of the backup vault.

Valid value: STANDARD, which indicates standard storage.


public IResolvable AttrVaultType { get; }
  • Type: AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core.IResolvable

Attribute VaultType: The type of the backup vault.

Valid value: STANDARD, which indicates a standard backup vault.