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Properties for defining a SSHKeyPair.



using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Ecs;
new SSHKeyPairProps {
    object KeyPairName,
    object PublicKeyBody = null,
    object ResourceGroupId = null,
    TagsProperty[] Tags = null


Name Type Description
KeyPairName object Property keyPairName: SSH key pair name.
PublicKeyBody object Property publicKeyBody: SSH Public key.
ResourceGroupId object Property resourceGroupId: Resource group id.
Tags TagsProperty[] Property tags: Tags to attach to instance.


public object KeyPairName { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property keyPairName: SSH key pair name.

It must be unique. [2, 128] characters. All character sets are supported. Do not start with a special character, digit, http://, or https://. It can contain digits, ".", "_", or "-".


public object PublicKeyBody { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property publicKeyBody: SSH Public key.

If PublicKeyBody is specified, existed public key body will be imported instead of creating new SSH key pair.


public object ResourceGroupId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property resourceGroupId: Resource group id.


public TagsProperty[] Tags { get; set; }

Property tags: Tags to attach to instance.

Max support 20 tags to add during create instance. Each tag with two properties Key and Value, and Key is required.