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Properties for defining a ClusterApplication.



using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Cs;
new ClusterApplicationProps {
    object ClusterId,
    object YamlContent,
    object DefaultNamespace = null,
    object RolePolicy = null,
    object Stage = null,
    object ValidationMode = null,
    object WaitUntil = null


Name Type Description
ClusterId object Property clusterId: The ID of the kubernetes cluster.
YamlContent object Property yamlContent: The yaml content of application.
DefaultNamespace object Property defaultNamespace: The default namespace for the application, default value is default.
RolePolicy object Property rolePolicy: Before deploying the application, check the policies associated with the roles of the current user.
Stage object Property stage: At what stage to run.
ValidationMode object Property validationMode: Validation modes include: - Basic: basic validation, such as verifying the existence of a cluster.
WaitUntil object Property waitUntil: After starting a creation or update, wait until all conditions are met.


public object ClusterId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property clusterId: The ID of the kubernetes cluster.


public object YamlContent { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property yamlContent: The yaml content of application.


public object DefaultNamespace { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property defaultNamespace: The default namespace for the application, default value is default.

If a namespace is defined in yaml metadata, its priority is higher than DefaultNamespace. If the DefaultNamespace does not exist, ROS will automatically create it and delete it during the deletion phase.


public object RolePolicy { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property rolePolicy: Before deploying the application, check the policies associated with the roles of the current user.

Valid values:

  • EnsureAdminRoleAndBinding: Automatically create a role named "ros:application-admin:${user-id}" with administrator permissions and bind it to the current user.
  • None: Do nothing. The default value is EnsureAdminRoleAndBinding.


public object Stage { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property stage: At what stage to run.

Valid values:

  • All: all stages, including create, update, and delete.
  • Delete: the delete stage. This means that only in the deletion stage of this resource will apply yaml to the cluster. The default is All.


public object ValidationMode { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property validationMode: Validation modes include: - Basic: basic validation, such as verifying the existence of a cluster.

  • Strict: in addition to basic validation, also validate the legality of YamlContent and WaitUntil.


public object WaitUntil { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property waitUntil: After starting a creation or update, wait until all conditions are met.