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Properties for defining a ClusterUserKubeconfig.



using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Cs;
new ClusterUserKubeconfigProps {
    object ClusterId,
    object PrivateIpAddress = null,
    object RefreshOptions = null,
    object TemporaryDurationMinutes = null


Name Type Description
ClusterId object Property clusterId: The ID of the ACK cluster.
PrivateIpAddress object Property privateIpAddress: Specifies whether to obtain the credential that is used to connect to the cluster over the internal network.
RefreshOptions object Property refreshOptions: The refresh strategy for the datasource resource when the stack is updated.
TemporaryDurationMinutes object Property temporaryDurationMinutes: The validity period of a temporary kubeconfig file.


public object ClusterId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property clusterId: The ID of the ACK cluster.


public object PrivateIpAddress { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property privateIpAddress: Specifies whether to obtain the credential that is used to connect to the cluster over the internal network.

Valid values: true: obtains the credential that is used to connect to the cluster over the internal network. false: obtains the credential that is used to connect to the cluster over the Internet. Default value: false.


public object RefreshOptions { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property refreshOptions: The refresh strategy for the datasource resource when the stack is updated.

Valid values:

  • Never: Never refresh the datasource resource when the stack is updated.
  • Always: Always refresh the datasource resource when the stack is updated. Default is Never.


public object TemporaryDurationMinutes { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property temporaryDurationMinutes: The validity period of a temporary kubeconfig file.

Unit: minutes. Valid values: 15 to 4320. Note If you do not specify this parameter, the system automatically specifies a validity period, which is indicated by the expiration field in the response.