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The location of the published file asset.

This is where the asset can be consumed at runtime.


using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core;
new FileAssetLocation {
    string BucketName,
    string HttpUrl,
    string ObjectKey,
    string Region = null


Name Type Description
BucketName string The name of the OSS bucket.
HttpUrl string The HTTP URL of this asset on OSS.
ObjectKey string The path of OSS object.
Region string The region of the OSS bucket.


public string BucketName { get; set; }
  • Type: string

The name of the OSS bucket.


public string HttpUrl { get; set; }
  • Type: string

The HTTP URL of this asset on OSS.

This value suitable for inclusion in a ROS template, and may be an encoded token.

Example value: https://${bucketName}.oss-${region}${objectKey}


public string ObjectKey { get; set; }
  • Type: string

The path of OSS object.


public string Region { get; set; }
  • Type: string

The region of the OSS bucket.