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Base class for implementing an IStackSynthesizer.

This class needs to exist to provide public surface area for external implementations of stack synthesizers. The protected methods give access to functions that are otherwise @_internal to the framework and could not be accessed by external implementors.


using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Core;
new StackSynthesizer();
Name Type Description


Name Description
AddFileAsset Register a File Asset.
Bind Bind to the stack this environment is going to be used on.
Synthesize Synthesize the associated stack to the session.


private FileAssetLocation AddFileAsset(FileAssetSource Asset)

Register a File Asset.

Returns the parameters that can be used to refer to the asset inside the template.

The synthesizer must rely on some out-of-band mechanism to make sure the given files are actually placed in the returned location before the deployment happens. This can be by writing the instructions to the asset manifest (for use by the cdk-assets tool), by relying on the CLI to upload files (legacy behavior), or some other operator controlled mechanism.



private void Bind(Stack Stack)

Bind to the stack this environment is going to be used on.

Must be called before any of the other methods are called.



private void Synthesize(ISynthesisSession Session)

Synthesize the associated stack to the session.
