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Properties for defining a DBCluster.



using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Clickhouse;
new DBClusterProps {
    object Category,
    object DbClusterNetworkType,
    object DbClusterType,
    object DbClusterVersion,
    object DbNodeCount,
    object DbNodeStorage,
    object DbNodeStorageType,
    object PaymentType,
    object DbClusterDescription = null,
    object EncryptionKey = null,
    object EncryptionType = null,
    object Period = null,
    object UsedTime = null,
    object VpcId = null,
    object VSwitchId = null,
    object ZoneId = null


Name Type Description
Category object Property category: The edition of the cluster.
DbClusterNetworkType object Property dbClusterNetworkType: Network type of the cluster instance, value: VPC.
DbClusterType object Property dbClusterType: The specification of the cluster.
DbClusterVersion object Property dbClusterVersion: Version, value:
DbNodeCount object Property dbNodeCount: The number of nodes.
DbNodeStorage object Property dbNodeStorage: The storage capacity of a single node.
DbNodeStorageType object Property dbNodeStorageType: Instance node storage type.
PaymentType object Property paymentType: The billing method of the cluster.
DbClusterDescription object Property dbClusterDescription: The description of the cluster.
EncryptionKey object Property encryptionKey: KMS key ID.
EncryptionType object Property encryptionType: Kms key type, only cloud disk encryption is supported and the value is CloudDisk.
Period object Property period: Prepaid time period.If the payment type is Prepaid, this parameter is mandatory. Specify the prepaid cluster as a yearly or monthly type. Valid values: Year, Month.
UsedTime object Property usedTime: The subscription duration.
VpcId object Property vpcId: VpcId.
VSwitchId object Property vSwitchId: VSwitchId.
ZoneId object Property zoneId: ZoneId.


public object Category { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property category: The edition of the cluster.

Valid values: Basic: Single-replica Edition HighAvailability: Double-replica Edition


public object DbClusterNetworkType { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property dbClusterNetworkType: Network type of the cluster instance, value: VPC.


public object DbClusterType { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property dbClusterType: The specification of the cluster.

If the cluster is of the Single-replica Edition, the following values are valid: S4: 4 cores, 16 GB. S8: 8 cores, 32 GB. S16: 16 cores, 64 GB. S32: 32 cores, 128 GB. S64: 64 cores, 256 GB. S104: 104 cores, 384 GB. If the cluster is of the Double-replica Edition, the following values are valid: C4: 4 cores, 16 GB. C8: 8 cores, 32 GB. C16: 16 cores, 64 GB. C32: 32 cores, 128 GB. C64: 64 cores, 256 GB. C104: 104 cores, 384 GB.


public object DbClusterVersion { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property dbClusterVersion: Version, value:


public object DbNodeCount { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property dbNodeCount: The number of nodes.

If the cluster is of the Single-replica Edition, the value ranges from 1 to 48. If the cluster is of the Double-replica Edition, the value ranges from 1 to 24.


public object DbNodeStorage { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property dbNodeStorage: The storage capacity of a single node.

Valid values: 100 to 32000. Unit: GB. Note self value is a multiple of 100.


public object DbNodeStorageType { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property dbNodeStorageType: Instance node storage type.

Valid values: cloud_essd, cloud_efficiency.


public object PaymentType { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property paymentType: The billing method of the cluster.

Valid values: Postpaid: pay-as-you-go Prepaid: subscription


public object DbClusterDescription { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property dbClusterDescription: The description of the cluster.


public object EncryptionKey { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property encryptionKey: KMS key ID.


public object EncryptionType { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property encryptionType: Kms key type, only cloud disk encryption is supported and the value is CloudDisk.


public object Period { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property period: Prepaid time period.If the payment type is Prepaid, this parameter is mandatory. Specify the prepaid cluster as a yearly or monthly type. Valid values: Year, Month.


public object UsedTime { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property usedTime: The subscription duration.

Valid values: When Period is Month, it could be from 1 to 9, 12, 24, 36. When Period is Year, it could be from 1 to 3.


public object VpcId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property vpcId: VpcId.


public object VSwitchId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property vSwitchId: VSwitchId.


public object ZoneId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property zoneId: ZoneId.