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Properties for defining a Host.



using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Bastionhost;
new HostProps {
    object ActiveAddressType,
    object HostName,
    object InstanceId,
    object OsType,
    object Source,
    object Comment = null,
    object HostPrivateAddress = null,
    object HostPublicAddress = null,
    object InstanceRegionId = null,
    object SourceInstanceId = null


Name Type Description
ActiveAddressType object Property activeAddressType: The endpoint type of the host that you want to create.
HostName object Property hostName: The name of the host that you want to create.
InstanceId object Property instanceId: The ID of the Bastionhost instance where you want to create the host.
OsType object Property osType: The operating system of the host that you want to create.
Source object Property source: The source of the host that you want to create.
Comment object Property comment: The description of the host that you want to create.
HostPrivateAddress object Property hostPrivateAddress: The internal endpoint of the host that you want to create.
HostPublicAddress object Property hostPublicAddress: The public endpoint of the host that you want to create.
InstanceRegionId object Property instanceRegionId: The ID of the region where the ECS instance or dedicated cluster host that you want to create resides.
SourceInstanceId object Property sourceInstanceId: The ID of the ECS instance or dedicated cluster host that you want to create.


public object ActiveAddressType { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property activeAddressType: The endpoint type of the host that you want to create.

Valid values: Public: a public endpoint Private: an internal endpoint


public object HostName { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property hostName: The name of the host that you want to create.

The name can be up to 128 characters in length.


public object InstanceId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property instanceId: The ID of the Bastionhost instance where you want to create the host.

Note: You can call the DescribeInstances operation to query the ID of the Bastionhost instance.


public object OsType { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property osType: The operating system of the host that you want to create.

Valid values:

  • Linux
  • Windows


public object Source { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property source: The source of the host that you want to create.

Valid values:

  • Local: an on-premises host
  • Ecs: an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance
  • Rds: a host in a dedicated cluster


public object Comment { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property comment: The description of the host that you want to create.

The value can be up to 500 characters.


public object HostPrivateAddress { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property hostPrivateAddress: The internal endpoint of the host that you want to create.

You can set this parameter to a domain name or an IP address. Note: This parameter is required if the ActiveAddressType parameter is set to Private.


public object HostPublicAddress { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property hostPublicAddress: The public endpoint of the host that you want to create.

You can set this parameter to a domain name or an IP address. Note: This parameter is required if the ActiveAddressType parameter is set to Public.


public object InstanceRegionId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property instanceRegionId: The ID of the region where the ECS instance or dedicated cluster host that you want to create resides.

Note: This parameter is required if the Source parameter is set to Ecs or Rds.


public object SourceInstanceId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property sourceInstanceId: The ID of the ECS instance or dedicated cluster host that you want to create.

Note This parameter is required if the Source parameter is set to Ecs or Rds.