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Properties for defining a ServerGroup.



using AlibabaCloud.SDK.ROS.CDK.Alb;
new ServerGroupProps {
    object HealthCheckConfig,
    object ServerGroupName,
    object VpcId,
    object Protocol = null,
    object ResourceGroupId = null,
    object Scheduler = null,
    object ServerGroupType = null,
    object ServiceName = null,
    object StickySessionConfig = null,
    TagsProperty[] Tags = null


Name Type Description
HealthCheckConfig object Property healthCheckConfig: The configuration of health checks.
ServerGroupName object Property serverGroupName: The name of the server group.
VpcId object Property vpcId: The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC).
Protocol object Property protocol: The backend protocol.
ResourceGroupId object Property resourceGroupId: The ID of the resource group.
Scheduler object Property scheduler: The scheduling algorithm.
ServerGroupType object Property serverGroupType: The type of the server group.
ServiceName object Property serviceName: This parameter is available only if the ALB Ingress controller is used.
StickySessionConfig object Property stickySessionConfig: The configuration of session persistence.
Tags TagsProperty[] Property tags: Tags to attach to instance.


public object HealthCheckConfig { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property healthCheckConfig: The configuration of health checks.


public object ServerGroupName { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property serverGroupName: The name of the server group.

The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, periods (.), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The name must start with a letter.


public object VpcId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property vpcId: The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC).

You can add only servers that are deployed in the specified VPC to the server group. Note: This parameter is required if the ServerGroupType parameter is set to Instance or Ip. Note: This parameter takes effect when the ServerGroupType parameter is set to Instance or Ip.


public object Protocol { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property protocol: The backend protocol.

Valid values: HTTP (default): The server group can be associated with HTTPS, HTTP, and QUIC listeners. HTTPS: The server group can be associated with HTTPS listeners. gRPC: The server group can be associated with HTTPS and QUIC listeners. Note: If the ServerGroupType parameter is set to Fc, you can set Protocol only to HTTP.


public object ResourceGroupId { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property resourceGroupId: The ID of the resource group.


public object Scheduler { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property scheduler: The scheduling algorithm.

Valid values: Wrr (default): The weighted round-robin algorithm is used. Backend servers that have higher weights receive more requests than those that have lower weights. Wlc: The weighted least connections algorithm is used. Requests are distributed based on the weights and the number of connections to backend servers. If two backend servers have the same weight, the backend server that has fewer connections is expected to receive more requests. Sch: The consistent hashing algorithm is used. Requests from the same source IP address are distributed to the same backend server. Note: This parameter takes effect when the ServerGroupType parameter is set to Instance or Ip.


public object ServerGroupType { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property serverGroupType: The type of the server group.

Valid values: Instance (default): allows you add servers by specifying Ecs, Ens, or Eci. Ip: allows you to add servers by specifying IP addresses. Fc: allows you to add servers by specifying functions of Function Compute.


public object ServiceName { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property serviceName: This parameter is available only if the ALB Ingress controller is used.

In this case, set the parameter to the name of the Kubernetes Service that is associated with the server group.


public object StickySessionConfig { get; set; }
  • Type: object

Property stickySessionConfig: The configuration of session persistence.

Note: This parameter is required if the ServerGroupType parameter is set to Instance or Ip.


public TagsProperty[] Tags { get; set; }

Property tags: Tags to attach to instance.

Max support 20 tags to add during create instance. Each tag with two properties Key and Value, and Key is required.